

ピラテスはドイツのスポーツセラピスト、ジョセフ ピラテスさんによって1920代に開発されました。体を内側から鍛えることが目的で、骨盤が安定し、腹部のコントロールが効くようになることで、体本来の姿勢を取り戻すことができます。体の均衡がとれ、筋力がつくだけでなく、体が柔らかくなり関節の動きも滑らかになります。

以下、pilates in zurich のウエブサイトからの引用です。

What is Pilates?

The Pilates Method is a system of movement and exercise, developed in the 1920s by German physical therapist Joseph Pilates. His ambition was to create a set of exercises that work the body from the inside out, leading to a deep structural fitness as opposed to the superficial and cosmetic fitness often obtained by conventional fitness programmes.

Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is designed to strengthen the body's core by developing pelvic stability and abdominal control. The body will redevelop its natural foundation, which is often hindered by poor posture and motor control issues resulting from modern day living, injury, illness or heredity. This concentration of work within the core (abdominals, lower back, and hip musculature) results in more fluid, efficient movements. Pilates builds co-ordination, strength and improves flexibility and joint mobility through slow, controlled movements and proper breathing. By combining elements of yoga, breath work, weight training and gymnastics, Pilates is a truly holistic form of exercise, producing amazing results.

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